If you are concerned about the impact you may be having on the environment, here are two steps you can take to lead a more eco-friendly life.
Get involved in a bush regeneration project
A substantial amount of the bushland in Australia has been damaged as a result of erosion, bushfires and the presence of invasive plant species. This damage has eradicated many plant and animal species' habitats.
'Bush regeneration' is an activity which aims to restore damaged sections of bushland in order to re-establish these habitats and thus increase the levels of biodiversity in these areas. This goal is achieved mainly through the management of invasive weeds and the reintroduction of native plant species.
If you reside close to an area of bushland and have some time to spare, it might be worth finding out if you can get involved in a local bushland regeneration project. Most projects of this kind require volunteers and will gladly accept anyone who is physically able to perform the work and willing to learn the basic skills required to do it correctly.
Reduce the amount of waste your household produces
The rubbish that people generate has an enormously negative impact on the environment. The waste that ends up in landfills, for example, contributes to the release of greenhouse gases.
Additionally, the toxic chemical runoff and plastic from landfills pollutes nearby soils and bodies of water. This, in turn, can destroy plants and fish and harm wildlife.
As such, if you want to lead a more eco-friendly life, you should consider reducing the amount of rubbish that you generate each day.
There are many ways to do this. Firstly, invest in a reusable shopping bag and take it with you every time you go shopping; this will help you to avoid having to use plastic bags to pack up your purchases.
Secondly, rather than buying fruits and vegetables that are encased in plastic packaging at your local supermarket, try buying these items at a farmers' market instead, as the food at these markets is usually sold loose, without any plastic wrapping.
Thirdly, invest in a reusable water bottle and a reusable coffee cup; this will enable you to avoid purchasing plastic water bottles and single-use takeaway coffee cups.
Last but not least, purchase a compost bin and use this to dispose of food waste, such as egg shells, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable peelings and spoiled milk.