3 Things to Know About Bore Water and Homestead Living

Purchasing land for homesteading and moving out of larger city spaces means lot of change. One of the changes you will likely be making is how you get your water supply. In a city environment you receive filtered and treated water directly to your home. You don't have to worry about certain issues, such as mineral deposits. If you are on a homestead you will likely have bore drilling done to drill a well or you will already be using bore water if wells are in place. Here are some things you need to know about the bore water you will be using.

Copper Content

There are several minerals that are contained in bore water. Though you may already be using a filter for your drinking and bathing water, you may be missing something in that filter. Keep in mind, most filters are used to filter out odor from the chemicals used to treat the water or to remove increased calcium and zinc deposits. What your filter may not be catching is copper. Copper is a common mineral to find in bore water and can have increased presence depending on your area and the location of the bore drilled well. For this reason, you should get a filtration system that specifically deals with copper removal or reduction.


When you are a city water system, you may not think about the odor of the water. In fact, if there is an odor, you may find that the only thing you notice is a bleach like smell if any smell at all is present. If you are using bore water, the odor can be vital and can mean that you have a high sulfur count. If you notice the water having a rotten egg type of smell than the sulfur content is high and should be checked and filtered. This could mean that you have tapped into a sulfur spring and the well needs to be rerouted or re-drilled.

Colour Changes

If you are on bore water, then something you may notice is the colour of your water changing from time to time. This change can result in a brown like colour which means that you are experiencing a bacteria in the water supply. This bacteria can be removed through chlorinating the water. You will need a professional to do this and they may need to set up a routine chloritization plan for your bore water wells.

These are just three of things you should know about having bore water as your main source of water on your homestead. If you are totally new to the idea of bore water, or if you even need to have bore drilling done for wells on your homestead, contact a bore drilling professional. They can help you with pricing and with deciding how to best maintain your health with bore water and what filters you need in place.

About Me

Darren's Energy Environment

Hello! My name is Teddy and this is my energy and environment blog. Ever since I was a little lad, I have always been worried about the state of the planet. I remember seeing a documentary about the increase in global temperatures and the melting of the ice caps. Now that I own my own home, I have done the best I could to educate myself about the modifications I could make to my home to improve its energy efficiency and reduce my impact on the environment. I installed a solar panel and a water collection tank. I hope my blog inspires you to go green!



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