How to Choose a Fire Extinguisher for Home Use

Every home should have a ready supply of fire extinguishers; these may be needed in the garage if you work on your own car or any type of electrical equipment, and of course in the kitchen, no matter what you typically cook or how often you cook. It can also be good to have even more fire extinguishers around the house--in case a hair styling tool has an electrical short and starts a fire in the bathroom or exposed wiring in the attic singes insulation and starts a fire. Since there are so many fire extinguishers on the market today, note a few tips for choosing the best one for your home, so you know you're safe and your extinguisher will work as needed.


Fire extinguishers are classified according to what types of fire they will extinguish. Usually these classifications fall into three categories, and each category may be a better choice for certain areas around the home.

The most common category is for fire created by standard paper and wood, which would include the building materials in your home, such as drywall. Keep this type of extinguisher near a fireplace.

The second category would be fires created by oils and grease, and these are good for keeping in the kitchen and the garage in case of an oil fire.

The last category is for electrical fires; this is a good choice for keeping near the bathroom in case a styling tool shorts out, as well as near the attic if your home has old wiring. You might also keep this type of extinguisher in the home's garage in case of a fire started by wiring to your lawnmower, snow blower or other such items.


The size of extinguisher is very important; the larger the extinguisher, the harder it will be to manage, but this also means more foam or chemicals to fight a larger fire. Consider your cooking habits, as an example; if you cook with lots of oil and often deep-fry dishes, you may want a large or moderate-sized extinguisher in the kitchen. However, if you rarely cook with oil and aren't at risk for a large kitchen fire, something much smaller can suffice.

Consider, too, the risk of a fire starting in the garage or attic and how quickly the fire might grow before you even realize there is a fire. Opt for a larger extinguisher for these spaces, so there is enough suppressant to extinguish a larger fire.

For more information on fire extinguishers, check out a site like

About Me

Darren's Energy Environment

Hello! My name is Teddy and this is my energy and environment blog. Ever since I was a little lad, I have always been worried about the state of the planet. I remember seeing a documentary about the increase in global temperatures and the melting of the ice caps. Now that I own my own home, I have done the best I could to educate myself about the modifications I could make to my home to improve its energy efficiency and reduce my impact on the environment. I installed a solar panel and a water collection tank. I hope my blog inspires you to go green!



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